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colours in 35mm film

A curation of photos taken on 35mm film. These photos were taken across my travels around the world. These curations are also part of @metajamasia, showcased in collaboration with @MIRLnft. This collection aims to curate some of the most pop colours in this beautiful world we live in. ‍

colours in 35mm film

A curation of photos taken on 35mm film. These photos were taken across my travels around the world. These curations are also part of @metajamasia, showcased in collaboration with @MIRLnft. This collection aims to curate some of the most pop colours in this beautiful world we live in. ‍

colours in 35mm film

A curation of photos taken on 35mm film. These photos were taken across my travels around the world. These curations are also part of @metajamasia, showcased in collaboration with @MIRLnft. This collection aims to curate some of the most pop colours in this beautiful world we live in. ‍

colours in 35mm film

A curation of photos taken on 35mm film. These photos were taken across my travels around the world. These curations are also part of @metajamasia, showcased in collaboration with @MIRLnft. This collection aims to curate some of the most pop colours in this beautiful world we live in. ‍

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