Serina Lee

Calligrapher / Fashion Designer / Fine Arts

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Serina Lee

Serina is a Textile and Fashion Designer, with a Bachelor of Arts in Fashion Design and Textiles. She has a 15-year background in Chinese Painting and Calligraphy and her works reference the principles of Chinese art. The rhythmic movement of a brush guides her work in fashion design, art and textile making. She specialises in hand painting and embroidery in textiles for Fashion.

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e0dich' is a collection interdisciplinary in Fashion and Chinese art principles, painting and calligraphy. Each piece is an original painting, hand-painted by Serina Lee, designed to be worn and displayed as art.

This marriage between Fashion and Chinese art can be seen on the prints, the process, the weight of drapes, the colour and the structure of the garments. Each piece is designed with reference to Chinese Painting paper and scrolls and begins with a rectangular piece of fabric. As a Fashion designer and Chinese Painting and Calligraphy artist in Singapore, Serina Lee marries the two disciplines that most represent her as a designer and a person.

The collection is summed up into 12 Chinese characters, 问情何物空芒悲欢花梦诗影, reflecting on the pause in time, a void in space, and life.

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